Published Data Registry

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Title ▴AuthorsJournalPublication year
A trap mutant reveals the physiological client spectrum of TRC40(Open Access) Coy-Vergara J, Rivera Monroy JE, Urlaub H, Lenz C, Schwappach BJournal of Cell Science2019
Altered theta and beta oscillatory synchrony in a genetic mouse model of pathological anxiety(Open Access) Cruces‐Solis H, Babaev O, (...), Krueger‐Burg DFASEB Journal2021
An Alternative Mechanism of Subcellular Iron Uptake Deficiency in CardiomyocytesDai Y, Ignatyeva N, (...), Ebert ACirculation Research2023
An ER surface retrieval pathway safeguards the import of mitochondrial membrane proteins in yeast(Open Access) Hansen KG, Aviram N, (...), Herrmann JMScience2018
An in vitro system to silence mitochondrial gene expression(Open Access) Cruz-Zaragoza LD, Dennerlein S, (...), Rehling PCell2021
Antibody-driven capture of synaptic vesicle proteins on the plasma membrane enables the analysis of their interactions with other synaptic proteins(Open Access) Richter KN, Patzelt C, Phan NTN, Rizzoli SOScientific Reports2019
Approaching automation of multiple instance orchestration of the menoci web portal(Open Access) Freckmann L, Henke C, (...), Kusch HBausteine Forschungsdatenmanagement2023
Atg21 organizes Atg8 lipidation at the contact of the vacuole with the phagophoreMunzel L, Neumann P, (...), Thumm MAutophagy2021
AXER is an ATP/ADP exchanger in the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum(Open Access) Klein MC, Zimmermann K, (...), Haferkamp INature Communications2018
Calpain cleavage of Junctophilin-2 generates a spectrum of calcium-dependent cleavage products and DNA-rich NT1-fragment domains in cardiomyocytes(Open Access) Weninger G, Pochechueva T, (...), Lehnart SEScientific Reports2022