Published Data Registry

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TitleAuthorsJournalPublication year
Molecular basis of human nuclear and mitochondrial tRNA 3′ processing(Open Access) Bhatta A, Kuhle B, (...), Hillen HSNature Structural & Molecular Biology2025
Mitochondrial-ER Contact Sites and Tethers Influence the Biosynthesis and Function of Coenzyme Q(Open Access) Novales NA, Meyer H, Asraf Y, Schuldiner M, Clarke CFContact2025
The molecular mechanism of on-demand sterol biosynthesis at organelle contact sites(Open Access) Zung N, Aravindan N, (...), Schuldiner MbioRxiv2024
Unbiased complexome profiling and global proteomics analysis reveals mitochondrial impairment and potential changes at the intercalated disk in presymptomatic R14Δ/+ mice hearts(Open Access) Foo B, Amedei H, (...), Lehnart SEPLoS One2024
Determinants of chemoselectivity in ubiquitination by the J2 family of ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes(Open Access) Swarnkar A, Leidner F, (...), Stein AEMBO Journal2024
The Vacuole Lipid Droplet Contact Site vCLIP(Open Access) Diep DTV, Bohnert MContact (Thousand Oaks)2024
Identification of TMEM126A as OXA1L-interacting protein reveals cotranslational quality control in mitochondria(Open Access) Poerschke S, Oeljeklaus S, (...), Rehling PMolecular Cell2024
Drosophila MIC10b can polymerize into cristae-shaping filaments(Open Access) Stephan T, Stoldt S, (...), Jakobs SLife Science Alliance2024
HIV-1 capsids enter the FG phase of nuclear pores like a transport receptor(Open Access) Fu L, Weiskopf EN, (...), Görlich DNature2024
Structural mechanisms of autoinhibition and substrate recognition by the ubiquitin ligase HACE1(Open Access) Düring J, Wolter M, (...), Lorenz SNature Structural & Molecular Biology2024