Published Data Registry

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TitleAuthorsJournalPublication year
An Alternative Mechanism of Subcellular Iron Uptake Deficiency in CardiomyocytesDai Y, Ignatyeva N, (...), Ebert ACirculation Research2023
A toolbox for systematic discovery of stable and transient protein interactors in baker's yeast(Open Access) Fenech EJ, Cohen N, Kupervaser M, Gazi Z, Schuldiner MMolecular Systems Biology2023
The role of the HORMA domain proteins ATG13 and ATG101 in initiating autophagosome biogenesis(Open Access) Nguyen A, Faesen ACFEBS Letters2023
Malignant currents: sodium leak channel NALCN propels prostate cancer aggressiveness(Open Access) Stejerean‐Todoran I, Bogeski IEMBO Journal2023
Cardiac multiscale bioimaging: from nano- through micro- to mesoscales(Open Access) Tolstik E, Lehnart SE, Soeller C, Lorenz K, Sacconi LTrends in Biotechnology2023
Stress-induced nuclear speckle reorganization is linked to activation of immediate early gene splicingSung H, Schott J, (...), Stoecklin GJournal of Cell Biology2023
The GET insertase exhibits conformational plasticity and induces membrane thinning(Open Access) McDowell MA, Heimes M, (...), Sinning INature Communications2023
Approaching automation of multiple instance orchestration of the menoci web portal(Open Access) Freckmann L, Henke C, (...), Kusch HBausteine Forschungsdatenmanagement2023
Structural mechanisms of autoinhibition and substrate recognition by the ubiquitin ligase HACE1(Open Access) Duering J, Wolter M, (...), Lorenz SResearchsquare2023
Correction to: Lost in promiscuity? An evolutionary and biochemical evaluation of HSD10 function in cardiolipin metabolism(Open Access) Wohlfarter Y, Eidelpes R, (...), Keller MACellular and Molecular Life Sciences2023